Backbreaker Video

  воскресенье 29 марта

Console: Playstation 3, Genre: Football, PCID: 21511, Release Date: 6/1/2010.

Brought to you in 16-bit pixelated glory, chock-full of references to not only gaming but also 80's and 90's pop culture. 99vidas unlockable characters. '99Vidas' is a brawler set in a contemporary world, that pays tribute to both the classic and the new in the gaming industry.

I don't think it's vaporware per se, but the marketing for this game so far has been a complete joke. I see people on the BB boards losing their minds over a video that was take by filming a TV showing a 14 sec clip of 7-8 players walking onto a field looking around a clapping. I would have been impressed with that in 2000 maybe, but since we don't have one shread of evidence that BB is going to be a decent playing football game, it's impossible to get excited about it. To me it's just funny watching people lose their minds over a 14 sec clip showing noting but walking.

The tackle video was more telling than this. Tackle Alley. People always forget that video.

How?That Tackle Alley video is all fine and dandy and a fine demonstration of the technology they have created. In and of itself, that could be a fun mini-game as well.However, the existence of Tackle Alley doesn't simultaneously demonstrate that Backbreaker is a fully-functioning and fun 11v11 football game. We've seen NO in-game footage to indicate that a game using the technology from the Tackle Alley video even exists, hence why I'm continuing to call what's come of this project to this point a tech demo.